Touch the Time
We present novel direct-touch centered paradigms for exploring time series data visualized in a coordinated multi-view display. The views can be easily and flexibly configured by choosing from various adapted or enhanced time-oriented visualizations. A vocabulary of robust direct-touch gestures enables the user to create, filter, derive, and focus on subsets of time-oriented data within the temporal dimension as well as the (data) records dimension. Our two-dimensional Focus&Context technique works particularly well with our extension to horizon graphs, which enables interactive scaling from area charts to multiple folded Horizon Graphs down to pixel-based visualizations and back.
Riehmann, P., Reibert, J., Opolka, J., Froehlich, B.
Touch the Time: Touch-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Time-Oriented Data
To appear in Proceedings of the 20th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EUROVIS) 2018.