PCP Wall
This paper presents a multitouch vocabulary for interacting with parallel coordinates plots on wall-sized displays. The gesture set relies on principles such as two-finger range definition, a functional distinction of background and foreground for applying the Hold-and-Move concept to wall-sized displays as well as fling-based interaction for triggering and controlling long-range movements. Our implementation demonstrates that out-of-reach problems and limitations regarding multitouch technology and display size can be tackled by the coherent integration of our multitouch gestures. Expert reviews indicate that our gesture vocabulary helps solving typical analysis tasks that require access beyond the physical range of interaction and show how frequently our interactions were used.
Reibert, J., Riehmann, P., Froehlich, B.
Multitouch Interaction with Parallel Coordinates on Large Vertical Displays
In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4, ISS, Article 199,
November 2020.